What is the North Texas Renewable Energy Group (NTREG)?
The North Texas Renewable Energy Group (NTREG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt volunteer organization. NTREG is a local chapter of the Texas Solar Energy Society (TXSES), which is the state chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES). NTREG encourages its members to become members of the Texas and American Solar Energy Societies, but it’s not required.
NTREG was established in 2001 with the primary goal of educating North Texans about renewable energy, energy efficiency, conservation and sustainability. Additional areas of interest include electric cars and alternative transportation.
Meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, from 10:00am to 11:30am at the Vickery Park Branch Library, 8333 Park Lane, Dallas, Texas 75231 and virtually. Check our Events page for meeting topics and maps.
We participate annually in a variety of events such as the National Solar Tour, Earth Days (Dallas, Irving, Plano, and others), and more.
Have Solar Power – Will Travel
NTREG members frequently provide solar electric power equipment at various events to power soundstages and other electrical needs. Our goal is to help educate people in practical uses of solar energy and energy-related topics.
How do I become a member of the NTREG?
Follow this link https://ntreg.org/donate.html
Membership dues are tax–deductible, and all monies fund our efforts to promote renewable energy, energy conservation, and a sustainable future. Dual memberships with TXSES help promote statewide solar programs that promote solar energy. TXSES sponsors programs like special scholarship fund was established by TXSES to support student education in renewable energy and conservation.